Questions I wanted to ask on Quora, but didn’t

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Has anyone cut and colored their own hair? My hair is 90% frizz and thick as a tropical jungle, and if I try to divide them into smaller sections, there are just too many sections to, err…section off and then I get confused about which sections I’ve cut and which ones I haven’t, so does anyone have experience cutting and coloring their own hair with similar wiry, coarse texture?

What hairstyles (other than a bun or (very) messy up-do) can I try to look put-together, modern, and un-mommy-ish and at the same time stay cool (as in, not make me sweat rivers) in 10000% humidity?

Are people ignoring me on Twitter? Why aren’t people engaging with my tweets these days? Is everyone hanging out without me? Am I tweeting too much? Not enough? Am I not funny anymore?

I unintentionally called a male cashier at the store “baby.” I was too embarrassed to say anything then, but should I go back and apologize and say that I wasn’t hitting on him, it’s just that I spend way too much time with my kids and call my toddler “baby” all day, so the word just slipped out of mouth. Or should I just stop going there altogether?

Why does my kid think I don’t know anything? I may not know how to code and sew her torn stuffed toys (Daddy does that), and I may have suddenly forgotten fractions, but I have a masters degree, dammit.

Will my yelling traumatize the kids and turn them into dysfunctional adults? How do I get them to listen to me? What should I cook that they’ll eat? (please don’t post real answers and/or parenting advice. I’ve tried everything.)

Nowadays I go into a room and I forget why I went in there. Is this normal?

Is it too late for me to begin a new career?

How old is too old to get braces? Am I going through some kind of mid-life crisis because I’m thinking of braces? If 30 is the new 20, what is the new age for mid-life crises?

What do you wear to a writers’ event on Zoom? I want to look like “Oh, this? I just threw this outfit together.”

I have high astigmatism, dry eyes, and myopia. How do I prevent my eyes from deteriorating further? Will I have to give up reading and writing?

How can I be more kind to myself?

Why am I so tired all the time? The minute after I turned 40, my back, knees, shoulders, head, everything started hurting. Is it all downhill from here? (Don’t answer that, I’m scared)


Image by annca from Pixabay